
How to Say "Fruit" in English

286 2024-04-27 19:27 admin

If you are learning English or simply curious about how to say the word "fruit" in English, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will explore the various English words used to describe different types of fruits, including both common and exotic ones.

Common English Words for "Fruit"

When it comes to common fruits, there are several English words that you can use. Here are some of the most commonly used ones:

  • Apple: a round, crisp fruit with a sweet or tart taste.
  • Orange: a citrus fruit with a bright orange color and a tangy taste.
  • Banana: a long, curved fruit with a yellow peel and a soft, sweet flesh.
  • Grapes: small, round fruits that grow in clusters and come in various colors.
  • Strawberry: a small, red fruit with a sweet and juicy flavor.

Exotic Fruits and Their English Names

Aside from the common fruits, there are also many exotic fruits from different parts of the world. Here are some examples:

  • Mango: a tropical fruit with a sweet, juicy flesh and a fragrant aroma.
  • Pineapple: a tropical fruit with a tough, spiky skin and a sweet, yellow flesh on the inside.
  • Dragonfruit: a fruit with a vibrant pink or yellow skin and a sweet, white or red flesh dotted with black seeds.
  • Kiwi: a small, brown fruit with a fuzzy skin and a green or yellow flesh inside.
  • Papaya: a large fruit with a yellow or orange flesh and black seeds in the center.

Other Vocabulary Related to Fruits

When talking about fruits in English, there are a few other words and phrases that you may find useful:

  • Fruit salad: a mixture of different fruits, often served as a dessert or a refreshing snack.
  • Fruit juice: a drink made by extracting the liquid from fruits.
  • Fruit smoothie: a thick, blended drink made with fruits and often mixed with yogurt or milk.
  • Fruit basket: a container filled with a variety of fruits, often given as a gift.

Now that you have learned the English words for different types of fruits, you can confidently talk about them or even try out some delicious fruit recipes in English. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep learning and exploring the fascinating world of fruits!

Thank you for reading this article. We hope that it has helped you expand your English vocabulary and feel more confident in expressing yourself in English when it comes to discussing fruits. Happy learning!

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